The game for iOS is a battle strewn game and involves a lot of shootings and killings. The game is suitable for any gadget. If you use other devices you can check for mobile.
Play for iOS
Are you looking for some extremely exciting game to be playing on your phone or on your computer? Do you want to play some fighting games or games involving loads of weapons and battle strewn grounds? Do you want to see some gory players blowing up in all the places? Well, if your answer to all the above questions is affirmative, the for iOS is the game for you.
What are you waiting for? Go and download that game on your iOS-based computer or mobile today and start shooting some players in no time. The game includes hundreds of combatants and they are all strewn across the battlefield, full on fighting and blowing up each other.

Graphics and Visual
The visuals of the game are pretty basic and that is what makes the game so exciting and adrenaline rush worthy. In the beginning of the for iOS, you will be parachuting your way in the middle of the battle field and make your way saving yourself from the adversaries and others trying to kill you.
Your first and foremost task in the game apart from the constant attempt to save yourself is to look for a weapon. It is not a necessity and you can always kill and punch the players with your hands. All you have to do is press on the left button on your mouse. But that is not the best or enough strategy in order to help you survive. For that you need to be in possession of a weapon.
Use Your Keyboard To Move & Mouse To Shoot
The keys such as the A, D, S or W are used for the purpose of movement and the key E is sued for the purpose of interaction. You use your mouse for taking aim as well as for shooting the players. The game is very much similar to the other battle related game hotline Miami although this one is much gorier and fight worthy.
Your aim in the game is pretty simple. You have to try and survive in the for iOS and you are all set to go. Well, apart form skill another thing which you will be needing in abundance is luck. With some luck and skilful killings, you will be able to win the game in no time.